Thursday, May 28, 2015

War On Non Muslims

Be careful, stupid is contagious these days. What more has to happen to realize that we are in a war with Islam? Those in Islam not directly involved in the violence are still supporting it, morally and financially. Because violence is what Muhammed was all about, and what it instructs in the koran. The very core is violence and destruction, absolutely nothing peaceful about it at all.
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  • 2 people like this.
  • David Fitch What do we do? Do we ban Islam? Do we take away religious freedom? Do we resort to violence and kill them all? Or continue to kill the really bad ones and innocent ones that get in the way? Do we appease no we shouldn't do that. But may be we should stop trying to be the world police stop wasting money over seas and concentrate on the issues here.
  • Jo Arnold Religious freedoms should be personal and private to some extent as long as it does not affect others too extremely. If your religion requires murdering other people or beating women, then that means your religion directly interacts with others in a way that conflicts with their freedoms for life which should be a higher right or value than the freedom for religious expressions
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  • Jo Arnold Capital punishment and other forms of disciplines should be determined and governed by the government of the nation rather than the religions of the nation: governments should listen to the people of their nation as they determine & enforce justice: we should value voting on certain decisions over the value of letting religions get out of hand like some kind of cancer in the body: I personally believe that governments should be completely Christian
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