Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Muffin People 2015-09-01

People are so happy. People smile when they eat. People are so jolly as they run around. People love each other like teddy bears on a bed. We love each other like a big happy family
We come together when the going gets tough and we are there for each other because that is what we do. We support each other and we love each other so much. I love you so much and you love me as well. We care for each other like ducks in a pond. Have all your ducks in a row and quack like a duck because you know that if it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck and walks like a duck then it is a duck and we are ducks and we fly together in herds or flocks in the air
Love is a fountain of youth and it comes to others with the luck of the dragons. It gives the Kit and the Kat for a break and a shake for a renewal for something fast and wonderful. We got it going on and we let it shine. Let your light so shine among men and upon the women as well. Let your fire be that which shines forever and ever, amen. Thank the gods and the people in your life, and in our lives. We are lovers and we love by loving and we go on and hoot our own horns as night owls fresh off the market and coming in hot like a muffin on Miss Muffet who loves eating muffins and looks like a muffin or like mushroom people from the Mushroom Kingdom of Hell. People are happy until their hearts break from life. may we find ways towards healing our hearts with muffins

2015-09-01 Tuesday 11:37 PM Joey Arnold at Old Ink, Q.1, HCM, VN

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