Friday, March 25, 2016

Price Bunny Canal Die Teeth

In 1900, Price removed teeth from her, gave it to the Easter Bunny who died 10 days later & she began to walk.
If I have problems, I should not canal it because that is a dangerous cavity hole that continues to leak toxins to the body & it is better for teeth to be completely removed.
So, should I have my teeth removed completely or can teeth heal? I want to be a #Starfish. Root Canals lead to #Cancers for millions of people years later.
#Teeth #Tooth #Problems #Trump #Cancer #Breast #Women #Men #Family #Values #Medicine #Care #Health #RootCanal #Canal #Root #Dentist #Scam #Cavity #Gum #Body #Doctor #Natural #Remedy #Procedure #Conspiracy #Independence #Price #JoeyArnold #Remove #ISIS #Clinton #Obama #Hole #Physical #Easter #Bunny #News #Life #Advice

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