I taught English at this Leaf Pagoda
Duncan James · 8 mutual friends
You were fired by this school. I remember all the fuss at the time. glasses emoticon
Duncan James · 8 mutual friends
Hello there Tự Nguyễn I'm super duper glasses emoticon
Joey Arnold Duncan James you either are lying or you are unaware of what really happened
Duncan James · 8 mutual friends
you were dismissed, then you had a public argument on Facebook and a
dispute with the owner. It went on for a few days, then you deleted all
the conversations. You were told to stay away from other places too. You
have annoyed so many people. Are you even aware of the harm you cause?
Joey Arnold Duncan
James I do not delete things like that. I volunteered. I taught there.
I lost my bike. They gave me a Christmas gift in 2013. They surprised
me with the present. They gave me a certificate. They asked me to teach
there. I taught adults & children for around six months or more there
They said I can sleep & eat there. Sometimes, I did but I did not live there. Visitors complained about me. Some of the staff told lies about me to get them to turn against me early in 2014. They made promises to me. I asked them about it & they were indirect & they never answered my questions. They promised to give me a second gift or monthly gifts. Some of them may not have liked me but most of the students & staff liked me until they began to blackmail me about my visa being expired. It was not
They began to threaten me with violence. They were going to kick me out. I wrote emails to them. I used translators. Some of them helped with translating. I tried asking them questions for many months but they were not direct. My main question was about if they really did promise me something or not. They can change their mind & undo their promise but I was hoping that they would admit to that. I wanted them just to simply say, "Sorry, we were going to give you a second gift but we changed our mind."
People do not have to like me. That is fine. I am just asking for honesty, the ability to confront, to be naked, to be transparent, frank
They said I can sleep & eat there. Sometimes, I did but I did not live there. Visitors complained about me. Some of the staff told lies about me to get them to turn against me early in 2014. They made promises to me. I asked them about it & they were indirect & they never answered my questions. They promised to give me a second gift or monthly gifts. Some of them may not have liked me but most of the students & staff liked me until they began to blackmail me about my visa being expired. It was not
They began to threaten me with violence. They were going to kick me out. I wrote emails to them. I used translators. Some of them helped with translating. I tried asking them questions for many months but they were not direct. My main question was about if they really did promise me something or not. They can change their mind & undo their promise but I was hoping that they would admit to that. I wanted them just to simply say, "Sorry, we were going to give you a second gift but we changed our mind."
People do not have to like me. That is fine. I am just asking for honesty, the ability to confront, to be naked, to be transparent, frank
Duncan James · 8 mutual friends
all this occurred, why display the link to their school tonight? You
always twist events to suit you. You have caused so many problems there.
You ended up in a police cell after fighting with the police in a 24h
Circle K store, as you were spending all
night there. You even demanded that a young checkout girl should be
fired. There is even a video of you resisting the police. This is why
you have had to move so many times. You give foreign teachers there a
bad reputation.
Joey Arnold Duncan James,
I was not in a police cell. They went to Circle K & tied me up.
They did not take me to jail. They let me go. They said I cannot go back
to that one store. I can go to other ones of that same franchise. I did
not fight the police. It was not a fight. They threw me to the ground. I
did nothing wrong. I bought noodles. But they lied to the police about
what happened. Police are very bad in Vietnam. I suggested that she
should be fired because she committed a crime of being unethical. She
lied about me. She was rude to her customer. The manager yelled at me
& may have been in loved with her, which clouded his judgment. I did
not have to move because of that. I had to move because landlords
didn't register me with the ward committees. The homeowners didn't have
licenses & permission to host foreigners. They were breaking the
laws. I was following the laws
Duncan, you are a bad person because you say things without sufficient evidence. You have hearsay accusation. You only have parts of the story. You are missing the bigger picture & the finer details of what happened. It is a complex & long story. They told me I could eat at that store. Other people sleep at that store. I was not the only people. The staff sleep at that store too in the middle of the night. I was not breaking laws. I was blending in
People only see what they want to see. You ignore the truth and you focus on what you want to focus on. I have made videos talking about what happened but people refuse to listen to the truth. They look right past it. They turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it and they drown it out with other things. People do the same things to Donald Trump
Duncan, you are a bad person because you say things without sufficient evidence. You have hearsay accusation. You only have parts of the story. You are missing the bigger picture & the finer details of what happened. It is a complex & long story. They told me I could eat at that store. Other people sleep at that store. I was not the only people. The staff sleep at that store too in the middle of the night. I was not breaking laws. I was blending in
People only see what they want to see. You ignore the truth and you focus on what you want to focus on. I have made videos talking about what happened but people refuse to listen to the truth. They look right past it. They turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it and they drown it out with other things. People do the same things to Donald Trump

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Joey Arnold I was not fired
Joey Arnold Duncan James I do not delete things like that. I volunteered. I taught there. I lost my bike. They gave me a Christmas gift in 2013. They surprised me with the present. They gave me a certificate. They asked me to teach there. I taught adults & children for around six months or more there
They said I can sleep & eat there. Sometimes, I did but I did not live there. Visitors complained about me. Some of the staff told lies about me to get them to turn against me early in 2014. They made promises to me. I asked them about it & they were indirect & they never answered my questions. They promised to give me a second gift or monthly gifts. Some of them may not have liked me but most of the students & staff liked me until they began to blackmail me about my visa being expired. It was not
They began to threaten me with violence. They were going to kick me out. I wrote emails to them. I used translators. Some of them helped with translating. I tried asking them questions for many months but they were not direct. My main question was about if they really did promise me something or not. They can change their mind & undo their promise but I was hoping that they would admit to that. I wanted them just to simply say, "Sorry, we were going to give you a second gift but we changed our mind."
People do not have to like me. That is fine. I am just asking for honesty, the ability to confront, to be naked, to be transparent, frank
They said I can sleep & eat there. Sometimes, I did but I did not live there. Visitors complained about me. Some of the staff told lies about me to get them to turn against me early in 2014. They made promises to me. I asked them about it & they were indirect & they never answered my questions. They promised to give me a second gift or monthly gifts. Some of them may not have liked me but most of the students & staff liked me until they began to blackmail me about my visa being expired. It was not
They began to threaten me with violence. They were going to kick me out. I wrote emails to them. I used translators. Some of them helped with translating. I tried asking them questions for many months but they were not direct. My main question was about if they really did promise me something or not. They can change their mind & undo their promise but I was hoping that they would admit to that. I wanted them just to simply say, "Sorry, we were going to give you a second gift but we changed our mind."
People do not have to like me. That is fine. I am just asking for honesty, the ability to confront, to be naked, to be transparent, frank
Joey Arnold Bé Nhi, they were rude to me first. I confronted them in a video after they abused me. I did not get the abuse on video & they deny it. It is my words against their words. You can believe in what they say or you can listen to my version of the story. If you were not there, then it's harder to know what really happened
If you choose just to believe them, then you are becoming racist, stereotypical, sexist, bias, & closed minded. You lose your ability to make proper judgments about character & events
Older Buddhist Vietnamese come to the pagoda to worship Buddha. Sometimes, they saw me sleeping there. They started complaining. The head monk said that he liked me but he was in Texas &/or other states in the United States. So, they began to lie to him over the phone about me in order to get rid of me before he came back to Vietnam. Plus, Mr. Cuong went over the head of Ms. Dung to allow me to have my own classes there without consulting her first. He was suppose to get permission from her & he skipped that procedure. When Dung found out that I was teaching there without her knowledge, Cuong was quick to deny knowing anything about it. Other staff parroted his actions in order to make me look like the bad guy. They did their best to turn me into a criminal. The videos that people see of me is only part of the story. People refuse to believe that I would have a good reason for yelling at them
I yelled at them because they were wrong & they treat foreigners in a very disrespecting way. People do like me when I am smiling but people hate it when I confront them about certain issues. Over time, people begin to hate me because I don't turn a blind eye. They can't silence me with coffee money
If you choose just to believe them, then you are becoming racist, stereotypical, sexist, bias, & closed minded. You lose your ability to make proper judgments about character & events
Older Buddhist Vietnamese come to the pagoda to worship Buddha. Sometimes, they saw me sleeping there. They started complaining. The head monk said that he liked me but he was in Texas &/or other states in the United States. So, they began to lie to him over the phone about me in order to get rid of me before he came back to Vietnam. Plus, Mr. Cuong went over the head of Ms. Dung to allow me to have my own classes there without consulting her first. He was suppose to get permission from her & he skipped that procedure. When Dung found out that I was teaching there without her knowledge, Cuong was quick to deny knowing anything about it. Other staff parroted his actions in order to make me look like the bad guy. They did their best to turn me into a criminal. The videos that people see of me is only part of the story. People refuse to believe that I would have a good reason for yelling at them
I yelled at them because they were wrong & they treat foreigners in a very disrespecting way. People do like me when I am smiling but people hate it when I confront them about certain issues. Over time, people begin to hate me because I don't turn a blind eye. They can't silence me with coffee money
Joey Arnold Duncan James, I write about my life in details. I can write what I want. I believe in the freedom of speech & press. I want to voice my opinions. I go after the truth. I confront evil like George Bush Junior did with terrorism or so he said. I want people to learn from history. I write about the problems so that people can see it & learn from it. We can use it for good somehow. At the time, I felt scared & I thought maybe I was going to be thrown in a dungeon. I wrote about it & made videos as the police came because I thought I was going to die & that was going to be the last video I ever made..... I wanted to say goodbye to the world.... & then people can find out what happened to me..... that is if anybody cared.... if people don't care, then they shouldn't watch videos like that with weird skinny white Harry Potter boys with glasses complain like Napoleon Dynamite
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