Sunday, November 15, 2015

War & Joey Arnold Autism

Here is a quote from a random person. He wrote about me. What he said is not accurate. I was teaching at a pagoda. They told me to stop. They did not like me. They were jealous. They were making fun of me. They threaten me, Joey Arnold Oatmeal. I look crazy. I act crazy. I'm an actor & I think it is funny. People are easily fooled. People can think bad things about me. People believe lies about me. People are easily tricked. I may have or had autism. Some people are more creative than others. I have like more EQ than IQ.
People say I do bad things. People say I spam, troll, PR, advertise, complain, yell, lie, and stuff, and so on, and whatever, but I disagree. I believe that write and I want to have some freedom to speech and press. I'm not saying I have rights or the permission to say what I want without consequences and stuff but I do have reasons for why I do what I do. I try my best to entertain, educate, encourage, inform, have fun, and make the world cooler and better with one Oatmeal from Oregon at a time.
Joseph Scott Arnold Morehead Rasp Cunningham Mitchell Hocking Netherlands California, United States, Word Of Life:

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>> No.6482642 [View]
if you guys are interested in Autistic Savant-Type Internet Writers google 'Joey Arnold Oatmeal'

he's this guy who successfully/semi-intentionally trolls the Saigon expat facebook pages and has been kicked out of multiple pagodas and lives in a barbecue restaurant right now (i think) i'm convinced he's actually a poet saint

have fun! his whole life is online. he gets a lot of hate but i think he's actually got it figured out better than most of these 50something alcoholic pervmongers
>> No.1342702 [View]
eddie graces buick got 4 bullet holes in the side
charlie delisle sittin at the top of an avocado tree
mrs stormll stab you with a steak knife if you step on her
i got a half pack of lucky strikes man come along with me
lets fill our pockets with macadamia nuts
then go over to bobby goodmansons
and jump off the roof

hilda plays strip poker
and her mamas across the street
joey navinski says she put her tongue in his mouth
dicky faulkners got a switchblade
and some gooseneck risers
that eucalyptus is a hunchback
theres a wind up from the south
let me tie you up with kite string
and i'll show you the scabs on my knee
watch out for the broken glass, put your shoes and socks
on and come along with me

lets follow that fire track
i think your house is burnin down
the go down to the hobo jungle and kill some rattle
snakes with a trowel
we'll break all the windowa in the old anderson place
and steal a bunch of boysenberrys
and smear em on our face
i'll get a dollar from my mamas purse
and buy that scull and crossbones ring
and you can wear it around your neck on an old piece of

then we'll spit on ronnie arnold
and flip him the bird
and slash the tires on the school bus
now don't say a word
i'll take a rusty nail and scratch your initials on my arm
and i'll show you how to sneak up on the roof of the

take the spongs from your wheelchair
and a magpies wings
and tie em to your shoulders and your feet
i'll steal a hacksaw from my dad
and cut the braces off your legs
and we'll bury them tonight in the cornfield

put a church keey in your pocket
we'll hop that freight train in the hall
and we'll slide down the drain all the way
to new orleans in the fall

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