Thursday, January 28, 2016


But... my desire to over-share comes from an insecure need to compensate or to ground myself & to study the world.
I share my weaknesses with others in order to appear more transparent, honest, real, so others can relate to me more. I don't want to appear too fake.
I also compensate by turning my life into a soap opera because I don't play one on TV. I'm sort of like a drama queen. I want to people to learn lessons from my life like people learned from episodes of Full House (which I'm binging or binge watching now).
Sometimes, I scare people away from me.
But I can find out who my real friends are that way. I sort of have that habit of filtering people away through the things I do in my life for better and for worse, purposely and sometimes accidentally.
But, as I get older, I do some of this less. I've been changing a little bit each year.
Less is more & better. That is true. Quality over quantity.
I lived with Dad in 2011 & 2012 & that was not a problem, emotionally speaking. I was able to get to know him more. I understand him. I look like him. I can learn from his strengths & weaknesses. He will always be part of who I am. I came from & appreciate the good and the bad, the ying and yang of that.
Living with Dad is not a problem. Living with Dad is good for me.
But it may not be what is best & that is part of the reason why I went to Vietnam.
Long story short, I somehow ended up living back at home with Dad in 2011.
I don't know if that was a mistake, but I do know that happened, like most things in my life.
I can't always say which things are mistakes or what. But regardless, good things came from my time with Dad for those 2 years before Vietnam.
Oprah could have stayed on NBC. Seinfeld could have continued. But it was time for them to move on to better things.
It may have been time for me to move on to better things.
Maybe, I could buy a house in Forest Grove. But I would first move back in with Dad as a step towards that. I could live the rest of my life in my hometown.
What can I focus on in my life?
I can do a little bit of construction. I'm not sure how much or how long I could endure physical labor jobs, the kinds of jobs that Dad does.
Yes, I want to make educational entertainment, via videos, blogs, & so on.
I think I should simply find some kind of day job. I can try my best to make money, live a simple life, & find ways to find time for my hobbies....
2016-01-29 Fri 2 AM

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