Friday, May 20, 2016

Islam Teaches KILL or LOVE?

Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-21 Sat 7 AM AC HCM JSA:
I am at a point where I do not care if I lose friends now because of my political views anymore. ALL of Trump's supporters are ignorant and uneducated. Anyone supporting Trump are idiots!! They deserve what they get if Trump wins!! If Trump wins, the USA deserves to have women beaten, raped, be treated like trash, have a nuclear war, hatred being everywhere, white supremacists being everywhere in the open, Christianity being imposed as the official religion, Muslims being killed, etc. This country would be on the verge of a nuclear civil war if Trump wins!! I can just see that now!! People will not allow Trump to destroy the very foundation that the country was built on, freedom of speech, religion, and press. Trump will destroy everything that the USA stood for in over two hundred years!!
Mike Auld
Mike Auld I've said it a few times...there are alarming parallels between the rise of Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler
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Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell Yes, exactly!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Joey Arnold
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Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown I'm with you on this. I am a Republican and would have voted for Cruz but never Trump and Hillary Clinton is the most unclassy person who should be hanged for Treason!!!
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown I feel the Bern!!!
Mikey Phong Mitchell Hillary will win the nomination.
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown Some one will take her out and I won't vote for a lying, thieving treasonous snake.
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell She is not a thieving treasonous snake!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown She stole shit out of the White House, she lied about Benghazi and then breached National Security with sharing classified emails. How is she not a thieving, lying and treasonous snake?
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown I totally agree about Trump Mumps.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown You have had your MMR vaccine right? I mean apparently a lot of them were defective as fuck!!!
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell Well, you have a choice between the Dumpster and Hillary. I do not believe I have. Watch your language!! LOL
Alicia McKown
Alicia McKown My bad LOL no wonder you don't read my wall. It's not for sensitive people or anyone under 25!!! LOL
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell LOL I am sensitive, but insensitive sometimes also.
Aldo F. Rodriguez
What are the 4 reasons Ted Cruz is even more dangerous than Donald Trump? Watch our latest video to find out.
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell Aldo F. Rodriguez, do you have to scream?????!!!! Wrong, Trump is more dangerous. Cruz would not start a nuclear war!! Trump is the type of maniac that would start a nuclear war!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs · Edited
Aldo F. Rodriguez
Aldo F. Rodriguez Mikey Phong Mitchell Nope, I don't have to.
But regardless, Trump would start a war because he's THAT STUPID and Cruz would start a war because he's THAT DRIVEN.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell Ok, you are correct on both accounts. Both are dangerous, but the Dumpster is too stupid because he would use nukes, regardless of the consequences. I do not think Cruz is that insane to use nukes. Plus, he did not piss off allies of the USA. The Dumps...See more
Joey Arnold
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Desi McGuirk
Desi McGuirk Calm down Mikey Phong Mitchell...I felt the same a while ago, until Trumps people brought up some dirt on Kruz...about the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy..."Trumpeteers...Careful with what You put into peoples Heads...I`m kinda surprised nobody has went after him Yet...~
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell I am a very proud liberal Democrat!! I will vote for ONLY a Democrat, no matter what!! No Tea Bagger/Republican is intelligent or sane enough to become the president of the USA anymore!! The Republican Party as we once knew it is long dead now!! It is a party of right wing extremists now!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Muslims come when you let them
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell So what?? Most of them are not terrorists!! The USA is a land of IMMIGRANTS!! Or have you forgotten that??
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold please read what Islam teaches
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell I know what it teaches. I know some Muslims in person!! NONE of them believe in violence at all.
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Islam teaches about JIHAD.... study "JIHAD"
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell OMG!! What I say goes in one ear and out the other!! You are so ignorant!!
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Please research "JIHAD" because that is a holy war: Islam teaches that everyone must convert to Islam or must die: women must submit: people must submit to Sharia law
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell Stop spamming my page!! I will NOT listen to someone that is so ignorant and thinks that ALL Muslims are evil!! You might as well say that ALL Christians are evil then!!
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Christianity teaches to love thy enemy.
Islam teaches to kill thy enemy.
Mikey Phong Mitchell
Mikey Phong Mitchell LOL Love thy enemy?? LOL Don't make me laugh!! By killing Muslims and barring them from the USA is loving them?? By wanting to get rid of them is loving them?? By hating people is loving them?? You are such a hypocrite!!

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