Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Joey is NOT A TEACHER???

2016-05-11 Wed 1:43 AM AC HCM

I'm an American English Teacher. Add me
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
i told to you they re not me, you said they re Anna and i go back here ....find you
Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
if you re an english teacher, keep teaching english, do no bring my my name and make new victims, ok? iwe do not like to play this game
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
and if you re englsh teacher, go to international school in vietnam and get a job. but they do not wanna you work in languages schools. ...and do not bother me agian, i'm sleeping and eatiing food,. sunday i have go to backpacker str to meet new friends and helping. ok? do not bother me ok
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I always try to help Anna but she is so bad.
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
You think im bad but people understand me, they think im good.... I know who am i. What re you? You think you say i'm bad. You bother a woman who married. Who re bad? Soud like a man is hidding into the woman's skirt. Why you alway blame church, budha, girls, .... On your blogs and fb. You should blame big men.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Anna is stuck in a loop of lies. She lies to cover up more lies. It is a normal human behavior. Smart people who study psychology and sociology can see and understand what I am saying. I help people but people abuse me for my charity and everything.....
Jack Nguyen Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen Jack Nguyen Joey Arnold u look like an child . ... i don t know why u talk something wrong with a girl .. I follow your fb a long time ... u really really so bad ... my friend on talking with the tourist group he used to tell me u always doing crazy way ... hope u become a good man ..
Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
You help people or you do not want to get a job like people. I saw a germanese guy who re selling sausages on the street every days they re foreigns. How about you? A boy into a shape of a man 31 years old and need money from people but blame your victims on your blogs, your fb to make people give you money. Do not be a lazy man Joey...people re helping the beaches and poor children,...people re busy. People do the best they can but people do not want to help a lazy boy.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Anna continues to lie about me and lying is bad. Her accusations and assumptions and judgment is build and grounded on subjectivity instead of objectivity rooted through eternal perspective and morality and she is doing so prematurely without seeking something more pure and universal and just
Debbie Mulford
Debbie Mulford I can't believe you edited this and STILL used several words wrong and left out key punctuation.....
"English Teacher", eh?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Debbie Mulford, you are retarded
Joey Arnold
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
You blame me...you called me Robert is Anna but I'm not --> you bothered me
Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
Do not call my name...I'm sleeping...do your own business. I'm not follow your life you should not follow my life.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Anna avoids the real issues. She ignores the real reasons behind her behavior. I did not change. She knows me since 2013. I'm consistent. I do what I do. I did not change. But they were trying to get a husband for Zizi. They were also trying to help me. They were helping themselves as well. But Anna had emotional reactions mostly in April which led to certain events. It is still a long story that I am still trying to understand.

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