Tuesday, May 10, 2016


2016-05-11 Wed 2 AM AC HCM

Anna said I stole money but they stole from me.
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Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
Joey steals money and things from my family and my foreign husband
Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
Joey steal my daimon ring. It's a gift from my husband
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Anna is retarded. Anna continues to lie. Anna has this habit of lying. Anna is lying more and more.
Jason Jason
Jason Jason · Friends with Hakusa Umi and 55 others
Joey steal money from Kathy, Mr Dai Canada, blame Buddha, christish, and islame on his FBI....joey is a bad boy....joey need a help from 2002 to 2016… joey borrowed money from the bank to pay his school but do not want to lend it. Joey was into a jall in usa, joey won't go back USA Cuz do not want to give money back ....cuz people who hates joey they find joey Cruz things he do bad...sect....its the true
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold look at my photos from 2002 and to 2004 in USA in high school
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I was in high school in 2002
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I was in jail because my dad's GF called the cops and I took the phone and broke a rule and the cops apologized and told me it was a stupid rule but it is still a law that I broke for taking the phone but she was abusing me and she was guilty but I broke a weird law
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Kathy sold my bike
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Leaf Pagoda failed to communicate
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Dai Trinh started insulting me
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Anna is my friend

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