Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-12 Thu 7:33 AM AC HCM JSA

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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, YOU ARE ASKING ME ABOUT MY HEALTH BECAUSE YOU ASSUME AND BELIEVE THAT MY HEALTH IS DECLINING BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY AND YOU THEREFORE LIMIT MY FREEDOMS AND RIGHT TOWARDS CHOICES AND OPTIONS AND LIBERTIES. They promised to help me get a visa. After I get a visa, I will get a new room or house. Anna told me her mother is smart. Anna said they were going to help me. They were trying to help me. Loan said I could live in their house for a long time but never said how long would be too long. Long wanted me to stay but Anna changed her mind suddenly or slowly over time.
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I need help with getting my things. I need to find somebody who can get my things for me.
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ I promise to my mother i will find a job at that time (i'm said our pass)
Cause working for you is so hard for me.

If you don't remember.
My mother was give you food. Home.
Even She give you one million vnd at coffee shop near my house. The owner was see it. The owner said to me.
Your bike was sell to find for you a lincense to you can working at Vietnam. I do not sell it for myself. Please remember that.
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ If you are keep living like every is own you. You will be living along till you died.
No one want to live with you, even children or God.
I can see.
...See more
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, I did not say I was going to give you money (salary). I did not promise you things. But you promised to help me for a month. I think you said one month. You asked me if you could sell my bike. I thought about it but I never made a final decision about my bike. We were talking and contemplating at a more theoretical or hypothetical level of "WHAT IF WE SOLD THAT BIKE" kind of thing and then my bike was gond.
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ Who said that? Why want to said that?
You tell me i'm own you and you blame me you will pray for my father to go to hell that Why i have to to said that. But at that time i don't have a job. My work before is be a motobike take you to school. But you do not may anything for me like my salary
And my mother give you alot. That make she was angry when i talking about u
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, I did not get a license. I did not get a Work Permit (WP). A school can get me a WP & Work Contract when I work for them. But you took my bike. You stole my bike. You cannot simply reallocate your gifts to the account of your bike debt to me. Compensation is better when agreed upon between the parties therein. You agreed freely to help me BEFORE I BOUGHT MY BIKE AND YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME CONTROL AND RIGHT OVER MY PROPERTY, MY THINGS, MY BIKE. Stealing is stealing. But you make justifications upon alleged reasoning which excuses your responsibilities and which eradicates gifts from you to me. Which then makes you a liar for pretending to help me for free when you were really only interested in a transaction, a trade, where you help me only to get something in return. That kind of transaction is not required regardless of what cultures and the status quo and peerpressure and normal people and liberals and others may say and more. Anna has my things.
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ Do u can promise with your did grand mother and your god you did not blame my father?
Or if you do and lie you will stay in the help forever bye god?
Do you?

But i can promise like this with my Buddha. Joey wink emoticon
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Joey Arnold
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ I stole your bike for what?
My home at that's time is real small.
And i and my mother have two motobike at my home

This bike is old, slow.
You just enough money to buy this old bike.
And when i sold that to find for you a license. It's down price. Up 2 million than when we Buy.
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ I tried to help you Joey. I was do all my best. Bút may be i'm just a Little girl to stuck in your Big problem.

That's Why i'm angry. May be because my self.

When you ave living at my home for the first time. You made me angry by keep fighting your girl enemy in Hanoi Cs.
You are a style of people always roll pound you negative thinking.
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, when you talk about a license, you lie. That is a lie. I did not get a license. But I bought a bike. I had my bike in your house. Then it was gone. But you are blaming the absence of the bike on the presence of me. You should not turn a gift from you into a loan. I did not take out a loan from you. A gift is free. But you lie by saying nothing is free. Compensation on my behalf is not required because you gave me gifts. BUT I DID NOT GIVE YOU MY BIKE. Therefore, you are required to compensate for my bike. You say you compensated for my bike indirectly. However, the so-called alleged compensation was not agreed upon between the parties therein. We did not make official agreement about the terms and regulations between the transactions between us, the parties, and the details therein, and Anna has my things, and I helped Anna for 3 years and gave them at least $1,000 USD plus free English lessons, massages, & so many things, and Leaf Pagoda failed to communicate well enough......
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, I'm a positive thinker. But I understand that honesty is the best policy. We must learn and grow through oppositions. We must be more honest, transparent, & real. We must seek after more integrity. You are like Anna. You pretend to help but then turned it around. You are not helping. You are not interested in helping. You are only interested in helping yourself and now your baby as well.
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold We must battle through storms towards rainbows. But it takes discipline. It requires confrontation, conflict, honesty, eternal morality, more confrontation, tears, sweat, pain, gain, growth pains, fights, reflections, more honesty, more reflection, perspective, understandings of deeper principles, and more honesty and honesty cannot be optional and honesty cannot be there only if it is convenient for selfish losers and we should seek after better ways of living...
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ Did you mean i do not go Charity before i meet you, and you are making me a "good person" as you thinking? ...
I did it before i meet u at 2013.
You can come to those adress As i posting in my facebook and askind do they meet and person in my picture a
t that time, cause same one usually come to only place. They will tell you

But Joey. Even i go to charity before.
I will not using my alive body baby to fixing those sick children even they asking me
And belive me. You will be the same when you have baby.

That's i hope you understand. Everything have a limited.
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Thi Vo
Thi Vo · Friends with Huyền Bình Thường and 5 others
Joey is homeless and has complicated relationships with different girls and you were given money by their mother?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ, don't turn charity into a loan. I'm talking about my bike. You stole my bike. But you were also helping me. However, your charity does not justify theft. Your charity doesn't turn gifts into loans. Normal people can assume and say gifts are not free and are really loans that must be compensated for. However, gifts are not loans. You gave me gifts. You chose to help me. You drove me to work. That is your choice. I'm not required to compensate for your choices. I can compensate if I want, but it is not required from a morality perspective. socially, people assume that compensation is required, but that is taboo or forced upon by peer pressures and cultures and NWO and other bad things and people and other things. Long Story. I'm not talking about what you may or may not do with your free time in your life, before, during, or after meeting me, with children, people, with charities, or with or without that or this or anything, and I am not talking about those things, and I am only talking about how you were choosing to freely help me and about how you sold my bike without my permission and a lack of permission for selling something therefore voids your alleged bike fund reallocation compensation repayment plan.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thi Vo, I DON'T SEE ANNA AND KATHY AS POTENTIAL LOVERS BUT AS PEOPLE, INDIVIDUALS, HUMANS, FRIENDS, AND NOT AS OBJECTS. Kathy offered to drive me around Saigon one day but then wanted to drive me around the next day, and then the next day, and Kathy ke...See more
Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ Thi Vo : i'm trying to suport Joey to come to his home.
So if any person see him. Better you should take him to Usa embassy. It better to feed him. Cause he live in 23/9 Park for 5 month. It's not good!

Joey. I don't want to "always keep drive you around Saigon
But you said when i pound for you a motobike—men, you said you don't want it Cause you don't want to pay money.
And when your teacher—friends lay you. You said you feel it not safety than me.
So you asking me keep drive you to work
But i think about it is about "money"

Even after we broken Up one day.
You out my house and come to same hotel at Phạm Ngu Lao district
But keep calling me to take u to school at 6am.
So pls don't said i "always" want it
No i'm not Joey.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ KATHY LIES LIKE ANNA. KATHY CHOSE TO DRIVE ME TO WORK. THAT IS HER CHOICE. SHE BLAMES HER DECISIONS ON WHAT I DID AND SAID. SHE WANTED TO HELP ME WHEN I WAS AT THE HOSTEL. SHE TOLD ME TO CALL HER. Kathy was not required to help me. But she wanted to have sex with me. She was always begging me for sex. It was like she raped me. I moved to Saigon on Sunday, the 10th of February 2013. Met Kathy in person the next Sunday, the 17th & told me that same day that she loves sex & had sex with foreigners after meeting them. I was new to Saigon & it was hard to find the schools by myself. So, I decided to be her sex slave. I gave her what she wanted & she took me to work. I didn't like it. But I felt trapped. She begged me to buy a bike. Then she sold my bike. She turned her gifts into loans. That is not fair. And I was like her slave. And I tolerated it. When I was paid my $1.2K USD apx salary for my English Teaching at schools, Kathy asked for all my money. I said no. And then she kicked me out. BUT THREE YEARS LATER IN 2016, I GAVE ALL MY TO ZIZI BUT THEN THEY KICKED ME OUT..... ANNA HAS MY THINGS AND KATHY STOLE MY BIKE.... AND PEOPLE CONTINUE TO LIE AND LIE AND LIE MORE AND THEN LIE AGAIN AND THEN LIE BY SAYING THEY DID NOT LIE AND THIS LOOP CONTINUES AND THIS HABIT GROWS LIKE CANCER AND FOREST FIRES
Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ OK i give up. Remember for me. I have a boy friend before. My ex bf is come to meet you remember.
I can do it by myself Cause i know How to do and How i work.
Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ I will Let you do what you want. I'm out now. I have nothing to said and to talk with you.
I think i said it. Is enough. Bye.
Joey Arnold
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Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thảo Thỏ KATHY PHUONG THAO stole my bike. She continues to live a life of deception. Her life rules are disconnected from reality. Anna destroyed a friendship & has my things. I want accountability for actions like deception. In Vietnam, people reward liars. If you lie, you may get more money and more things. It seem that people honor and respect liars. That is the decline of society.
Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-12 Thu 7:30 AM AC HCM JSA 0168-478-5542

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