Friday, May 20, 2016

Men Can Be Loyal? Men Can Commit to Women?

Leaving lovers is difficult, if not impossible. Good men are loyal to the end to & for women. It's difficult to cheat on girls as a gentleman, because doing so is moral murder; therefore, pleasing them emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, is fundamental, crucial, constantly, patiently.
Personally, I'm scarred with what I had, have, & didn't have. I've had friendships with girls & I've liked them like cancer, fire, gossip. It grows unexpectedly. The more time I spend with a girl, the more attached I get to them. I become more loyal, committed, devoted, & in love with girls I simply talk to. It becomes emotional pain to truly care about other people. Men become less empathetic, sympathetic, emotional, partly as a way to ignore & avoid weakness. Men are normally stronger than women, physically, but women are more emotionally stable, expressive.
I drew a picture of my wedding to Tiffany when I was 8 years old in 1993 in the United States for fun, pretends. I never got married in real life. But she died in 2003. In 2013, there was Kathy. In 2016, this year, I started liking a woman more. I tell myself to stop but Selena Gomez says the heart wants what it wants, meaning true love or lust amplifies from within, requiring only commitment. My desire to commit to only her grew as I was in her presence. It's mostly my choice, but it's also like fire. Don't trust men with commitment problems. I was committing my love to a woman who probably doesn't love me back which drowns me in forever alone (FA) depression. Now, when I see women, I try being friendly, but I'm more scared of feeling love. Right now, I want to get her out of my heart & brain..... e.. m... i...l .... y ... But I don't want a lover ever again. That is how I feel. I want to be alone, single. I don't want a GF or wife, now.
Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-21 Sat 9 AM AC HCM
Mobile 0168-478-5542

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