Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Obama Talks About Vietnam?

Obama talks about Vietnam. War should normally be avoided. We should learn from history. We should appreciate farmers, food, art, cultures, heritages, inheritances, education for the sake of younger children, for the hope of our future. Fighting is often a bad idea because it discourages dialog, conversations, discussions, debates, which can help us move forward.
Please promote small local businesses. Plant your own gardens. Learn something new each day. Write it down with your hands. Share it on Facebook & on other websites. Teach what you learn. Share a simple quote each week. Share a photo that inspires you. Save it on different websites, computers, online, offline. Be smart. Learn from the best while learning English & everything. Have backup plans for goals & for your files before it's too late. Follow your heart, intuition, gut, through, perspective, morality, wisdom. Learn from older people. Have friendly educational debates. Ask more questions. Engage people who disagree with you. Embrace conflicts, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, problems, & learn all the time. Have fun while studying. Be crazy more. Laugh, sing, dance, make others laugh, learn, help, and do more as this is what life is all about. Seek after equality to an extent. But equality also means socialism, communism, crony capitalism, corporatism, suppression, slavery, depravity, Satanism, paganism, NWO, death, Hell, apathy, arrogance, ignorance, trafficking, anarchy.
Google natural remedies. Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, GOOD FISH BUT NOT BAD FISH, herbs, beans, and not too much pig or bad meats. Learn how to make things with your hands. Promote nationalism over globalism, scrutiny, analysis, synthesis, honesty to death, ICECREAM, integrity, transparency, LOGIC, AND MORE LOGIC, AND EVEN MORE LOGIC, and don't forget some logic with your brains, and history over nirvana, objectivity over relativism, perspective over being closed minded, joy over circumstances, and grace over justice.
Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-24 Tue 11 PM AC HCM
Mobile 0168-478-5542


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