- Conversation started today
- Joey ArnoldYou asked people to PM you about philosophy between the western & eastern world. Dialog is beneficial, especially for Asians who tend to do that less, especially as individualism & conflict is discouraged. . I'm American & moved to Vietnam in 2012 to teach English. I'm still in Saigon. Some Vietnamese may talk about it but mostly as they practice speaking English & honesty is more a taboo & used when convenient enough. They are more traditional, generally.... often, I've tried too hard to argue with people..... even Vietnamese.... as I try to beg them to consider improving their logic, communication, questioning skills, analyzing abilities, & critical thinking..... I am trying to let more things slide with people.... and that is very hard for me to do..... but I am kind of becoming more Asian as I stay here longer.... 3 years so far in VN..... so, I am becoming a bit of a hybrid, like Anakin between the Ying and Yang, the light and dark side of the force...
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