Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Joey Arnold 2016-04-27 Wed 1 PM MDP HCM

Hi group, since someone brought up something involved this guy Joey Arnold, jokes aside, it's clear that he has some mental issues and might need help. Is there any Americans here who can do something about it? He's your fellow compatriot anyway, help or advices could be useful. Mental illness is a health threat too and if not addressed his life could be in danger. Just a thought.
Sean Almond
Like · Reply · 4 · 22 hrs
James Paul Fraser
James Paul Fraser what happened?
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 hrs
Tim Camp
Tim Camp His family is well aware of his problems and what he's up to. They don't give a shit. Why should we?
Like · Reply · 10 · 21 hrs
David Walsh
David Walsh That's probably more of a reason to help sonebody
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Nina Mei
Nina Mei David Walsh unless his power of attorney has been revoked on himself there's nothing that can be done. The only thing that can happen is if he does something to piss off the Vietnamese government and he gets kicked out. Even then, going back to US doesn't mean he'll receive the needed help or support.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Sean Farrelly
Sean Farrelly lol who's joey arnold?
Like · Reply · 5 · 21 hrs
Bội Quỳnh Nguyễn Đặng
Bội Quỳnh Nguyễn Đặng I thought you said he was normal yesterday. 😂😂😂
Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs · Edited
James Paul Fraser
James Paul Fraser oh maybe this is a disgruntled ex?
Like · Reply · 9 · 21 hrs
Moray Heather
Moray Heather He's not the first American to go loopy here. We tried to help another guy who came back from a vacation in Cambodia nuttier than a pecan pie. Nothing we could do. Family or the individual has to call on the consulate for help, and they can do nothing if the individual won't accept the help. As in you can take him to the airport, but can't force him to get on the plane. The same goes for therapy.
Like · Reply · 8 · 21 hrs
Zee Gee
Zee Gee Nuttier than a pecan pie. I'm stealing that wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 7 · 21 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Charlie Wallace
Charlie Wallace is this 'the original oatmeal' bloke?
Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
Moray Heather
Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Charlie Wallace
Charlie Wallace im pretty sure he's autistic
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Bội Quỳnh Nguyễn Đặng
Bội Quỳnh Nguyễn Đặng Hmmm hot girl profile photo with zero like. I don't thing Kelly Nguyen's account is real smile emoticon
Like · Reply · 8 · 21 hrs
Evan Daniel Landry
Evan Daniel Landry His mom smoked crack when she was pregnant ,. There's no fixing that 😂😂😂
Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Filippo Marinetti
Filippo Marinetti Evan Landry your mom probably took Ketamine when she was pregnant
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited
Daniel Smith
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Robert Larkins
Robert Larkins Just searched him. Awesome posts
Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
Ben Findland
Ben Findland So nice that you care, serious
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
Le Cha Happy
Le Cha Happy Classical !!! Now I don't know my doubts.
Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Noah Couture
Noah Couture hah, that sounds pretty much normal actually
Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen In America the police shoot the mentally ill, better ask someone else for help. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/04/man-knife-police/
Like · Reply · 5 · 21 hrs
Tom Affolter
Tom Affolter Joey Arnold for President!
Like · Reply · 10 · 21 hrs
Le Cha Happy
Le Cha Happy Hihi...... but that's not funny.lol
Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Sepp Lengauer
Sepp Lengauer He can be Donald Duck's, sorry Donald Trump's VP. Great American Combo
Like · Reply · 3 · 20 hrs
Peter Hanlon
Peter Hanlon President of what? The fruitcake society ?
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Tom Affolter
Tom Affolter His imaginary groupies?
Like · Reply · 17 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Nina Mei
Nina Mei You heard her Americans, Avengers assemble!
Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado He has money?
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado He's voting for Trump doubt he will get the support he needs lol
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado I heard he doesn't want to go back home. He's an adult, so no one can force him to go back. Unless, he fucked up royally and get himself deported.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs · Edited
Nina Mei
Nina Mei His parents don't want him back either. lol
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado Nina Mei Why would they?
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Nina Mei
Nina Mei I *heard* they're very religious, like pray-healer types that think that's all that can help him. grin emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado Nina Mei that explains the donald trump fanaticism, god they got nothing better to do up there lol
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Glenna Mercado
Glenna Mercado People like that won't believe mental illness does exist unless he's schizo. He's functioning but not in a social standpoint
Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Daniel Smith
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David Walsh
David Walsh Admins, since when to we support bullying
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
Jeff Ewart
Jeff Ewart Since Joey was Oatmeal.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Daniel Smith
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Gabe Hauschildt
Gabe Hauschildt Fuck you guys - he's autistic and can't always control what comes out of his mouth. Having said that, I'm pretty positive he's a virgin. Fuck off.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr · Edited
Jose Tuset
Jose Tuset Wtf!!
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Jeff Ewart
Jeff Ewart Open wide !
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Tom Affolter
Tom Affolter That's our boy!
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Gabe Hauschildt
Gabe Hauschildt I hope I run into you someday, Jeff.
Like · Reply · 51 mins

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