Monday, April 18, 2016

Dumb & Dumber & Smart?

​Briefly, I want to outline some of the lies we believe as humans.
Lie 1. Only smart people are smart. Dumb people cannot become smarter. We believe that our Intelligent Quota (IQ) cannot change. That is a lie. We can accumulate knowledge. That is like getting a bigger hard drive for the computer in our head. We collect memories through our ears, eyes, actions, thoughts, smells, tastes, feelings, touch, senses.
But we can "ALSO" upgrade our IQ, our Central Processing Unit (CPU), our Random Access Memory (RAM), within our own intellect. Biologically, we may have IQ limitations according to our genetic DNA genes. IQ is determined partly by our heritage. White people are generally smarter than black people. Sometimes, that is not true. Black people tend to be taller than Asians. Yao Ming (NBA basketball player from China) was an exception. He was 7 feet & about 6 inches tall I think. There are some exceptions. Your body might be short, but your brain does not have to be short. To some extent, we are NOT totally doomed. We can become a little smarter if we try.
The assumption & generality is that our IQ will stay at a certain point, probably around 100. Trump is said to be around 156 or so. But, our brain is a muscle. We need to exercise muscles. We need to go to IQ PE class. PE means Physical Exercise. We need to exercise our brains more with brain games and stuff. Try puzzles. Try music. Try many different things & stick to what works & stuff.
Our brains can improve. But it is very hard because we were born believing that dumb people can never be Einstein. We all believe these things to some extent. Even I believe it. But I pray that I can believe it less & to ask God for more of His CPU & RAM to be downloaded into me.
Jesus! More of You, & less of me, I pray.
Lie 2. People cannot change. We believe that we are who we are. We believe that we will never change or cannot change. But that is a lie. I was shy like Rick as a kid. I've became less shy. I've cared about what others think. I've been scared of being wrong, of making mistakes. But I've wrestled with my demons during the course of my 31 years on earth, as of right now in 2016. We are always evolving, adapting, mutating, but we limit our potential. I'm not a Scientologist.​ I don't believe in Jedi, in the force, in Harry Potter, that is apart from the powers of God & Satan. I'm not promoting the ability to create reality from our minds.
But I'm promoting our ability & opportunity to be more aware of what is already there. We can become who we are destined to become. But we believe that we are only who we are now and not who we become.
Kung Fu Panda 3 talks about this. Mouse tells Panda to become more Panda or something. Go watch the movie to understand what I'm talking about.
We believe the lie that we can never be something else. But we are born and we are set on a path of fate towards a role that we should play in History, His story.
Lie 3. Gray is not black. We believe that gray is acceptable. Bad things are black. Good things are white. Gray is good too, we think, but we're wrong. That is a lie. Gray, or grey, is black. Better yet, gray is the new black. Gray is bad too. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, of white, and even of gray more over.
We don't want to think that neutrality is bad. Being neutral is gray. And we think gray is good or not bad. Well, not bad means good. Some try to say there is a difference, but how is that even possible? But even if it is possible, why would it even matter? If something is not helping, then it is indirectly hurting others indirectly. He who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin, James 4:17. I learned that verse when I was about 9 years old, about 22 years ago & haven't reviewed it in years, but it's tattooed into my heart. Over time, things are stained into our hearts. Even gray things begin to darken over time.
Lie 4. Be happy. Forget the past. Focus on the moment. Good. But when we forget, we decline. We shouldn't dwell in the past or future. We should be focus in the now, the present tense, which is a gift. Focus on the moment. Be in the moment. But as we stay in the moment, we forget other moments. We lose perspective. We begin to forget who we are. Slowly, subconsciously, we begin to let the moments, the situations, the circumstances, the ideology, the people, & everything influence our potential. Everything that is gray or black begins to affect us negatively but in a very subtle way, step by step, day by day. Over time, we begin to change for the worse, normally. We decline into depravity. We begin to forget that the joy of the Lord is our strength. We begin to become who Satan wants us to become instead of become a prince or princess, as children of the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. We believe in so many lies & we don't even know that they are lies. If we knew, we would probably stop because we don't want to believe in lies. But we truly believe they are true. Slowly over time, we begin to believe them more and more, even as we object them. Because our tolerance of the lies is a steady transition into acceptance, of propagating those lies.
We believe in lies all of the time.
We begin promoting the lies that we were against before. We may not even know it. But over time, we get use to things. We begin to believe the lies. We forget they're lies, mostly because we are stuck in the moment. We forget the other moments, as in perspective. We need to step away & look at the bigger picture. But we become too busy. We don't make time for that. And that is why being "TOO" busy is "TOO" bad.
We become the monsters we hunt.
Sons become like their fathers.
But, we don't have to. We can escape.
We need help. We must ask for help.
Or we will be lost on mouse wheels.
When others say that we are lying, we become sad, angry, confused, emotional.
It's "ALREADY" hard enough to confront myself on lies that I believe, even after three decades of preparation.
Imagine how Anna, my Vietnamese family, & other Vietnamese feel. I feel terrible when I tell myself that I believe in lies & that I lie. It still hurts when I tell myself these things, as I try to work on myself. It hurts ten times worse when others tell you that you are a liar. When I confront people, I'm hurting people. When I accuse people of lying, I'm saying something that is almost impossible for them to understand. Even if they do understand it, it is still something that takes years to digest even as an American. It can take ten times longer if you're from Asian cultures.
I'm trying to hit people less with my vocal daggers. As I get older, I'm trying to slowly become more empathetic, sympathetic, & transitional for others. I'm trying to find better balances between extremities of being too soft or hard on others.
Vietnamese culture is a bit less traditional than some places, & is becoming a bit more Korean, Japanese, European, or even American. Vietnamese under 20 years of age are becoming a bit "MORE" (than their parents) influenced by social media, & especially by the mass media of TV & other things. The media is influencing people to favor globalism over Trump's nationalism.
Saigon, & the bigger cities of Vietnam have been transitioning & has been developing, especially during the past few years alone even. The younger people are absorbing some of the western wisdom & other things. I'm here to help contribute to these transitions. I'm influencing young Vietnamese who are becoming builders, doctors, lawyers, actors, & others. Come join me as we Make Vietnam Great Again.
Joey Arnold 2016-04-19 Tue 11 AM MNH HCM.
DT 07168-478-5542

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